Friday, January 10, 2014

Amibroker AFL for Candlestick Description

Candle Master

Amibroker AFL Code for Candlestick description.

Credit goes to the creator of the AFL Code. No changes have been made by the Blog owner to the AFL code. The code has been obtained through online resource and is presented on as it is basis.

Please copy the code from the Code Box below. You may refer to the image posted below to look how the chart looks after applying the AFL.

/*Take labels are in short form albeit you get a full description of the candles when the cursor is pointed on that candle formation.

Right click and you will get the parameters to on and off labels and arrows.*/

O1 = Ref(O,-1);O2 = Ref(O,-2);O3 = Ref(O,-3);O4 = Ref(O,-4);
H1 = Ref(H,-1);H2 = Ref(H,-2);H3 = Ref(H,-3);H4 = Ref(H,-4);
C1 = Ref(C,-1);C2 = Ref(C,-2);C3 = Ref(C,-3);C4 = Ref(C,-4);
L1 = Ref(L,-1);L2 = Ref(L,-2);L3 = Ref(L,-3);L4 = Ref(L,-4);

GraphXSpace = 5;

/*UP and Down Trend of last 4 days*/

dtrend = (L1 < L2)AND (L2 < L3) AND (L3 < L4);
utrend = (H1 > H2)AND (H2 > H3) AND (H3 > H4);

/*Maximum High Today - (MHT)
Today is the maximum High in the last 5 days*/
MHT=  HHV(H,5)==H;

/*Maximum High Yesterday - (MHY)
Yesterday is the maximum High in the last 5 days*/
MHY=   HHV(H,5)==Ref ( H, -1);

/*Minimum Low Today - (MLT)
Today is the minimum Low in the last 5 days*/
MLT=   LLV(L,5)==L;

/*Minimum Low Yesterday - (MLY)
Yesterday is the minimum Low in the last 5 days*/
MLY=   LLV(L,5)==Ref(L,-1);

/*Peircing Percent*/

PiercingPercent = ((C - C1)/C1) * 100;

Doji  = (abs(O-C)<= ((H-L)*0.1)); 

BlackCandle = (O>C); 

LongBlackCandle = (O>C AND (O-C)/(.001+H-L)>.6); 

SmallBlackCandle = ((O>C) AND ((H-L)>(3*(O-C)))); 

WhiteCandle = (C>O); 

LongWhiteCandle  = ((C>O) AND ((C-O)/(.001+H-L)>.6)); 

SmallWhiteCandle = ((C>O) AND ((H-L)>(3*(C-O))));

BlackMaubozu = (O>C AND H==O AND C==L);

WhiteMaubozu = (C>O AND H==C AND O==L);

BlackClosingMarubozu  = (O>C AND C==L);

WhiteClosingMarubozu = (C>O AND C==H);

BlackOpeningMarubozu = (O>C AND O==H);

WhiteOpeningMarubozu = (C>O AND O==L);

OpenGap = ((C1 - O)/O) * 100;

CloseGap = ((O - C1)/C1) * 100;

///////************************************** Engulfings ********************************************//////////////
BullishEngulfing  = (LongWhiteCandle AND dtrend AND (O1>C1) AND (C>O) AND (C>= O1) AND (C1>= O) AND ((C-O)>(O1-C1))); 

BI = BarIndex();
BV = BeginValue(BarIndex());
EV = EndValue(BarIndex());
SV = SelectedValue(BarIndex());

BuWholeEngulf = 0;     
CurrentBar = SelectedValue( BarIndex() ); 
FirstBullBar = CurrentBar - 30;
Bar = CurrentBar;

if ( SelectedValue(Close) >= ( Open[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Close) >= ( Close[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Open) <= ( Open[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Open) <= ( Close[Bar-1]) )
    BuWholeEngulf = BuWholeEngulf + 1; 
while( Bar> FirstBullBar  AND   SelectedValue(Close) >= ( Open[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Close) >= ( Close[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Open) <= ( Open[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Open) <= ( Close[Bar-1]));




BearishEngulfing  = (MHT AND utrend  AND LongBlackCandle AND (C1>O1) AND (O>C) AND (O>= C1) AND (O1>= C) AND ((O-C)>(C1-O1)));

BI = BarIndex();
BV = BeginValue(BarIndex());
EV = EndValue(BarIndex());
SV = SelectedValue(BarIndex());

BeWholeEngulf = 0;     
CurrentBar = SelectedValue( BarIndex() ); 
FirstBearBar = CurrentBar - 30;
Bar = CurrentBar;


if ( SelectedValue(Close) <= ( Open[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Close) <= ( Close[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Open) >= ( Open[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Open) >= ( Close[Bar-1]) )
     BeWholeEngulf = BeWholeEngulf + 1; 
while( Bar> FirstBearBar  AND   SelectedValue(Close) <= ( Open[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Close) <= ( Close[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Open) >= ( Open[Bar-1]) AND SelectedValue(Open) >= ( Close[Bar-1]));

//////****************************************** Piercings ********************************************////////
PiercingLine = (Ref(LongBlackCandle,-1) AND dtrend AND(C1<O1) AND (((O1+C1)/2)<C) AND (O<C) AND (O<C1) AND (C<O1) AND ((C-O)/(.001+(H-L))>0.6));

DarkCloudCover = (MHT AND Ref(LongWhiteCandle,-1) AND utrend AND C1>O1 AND ((C1+O1)/2)>C AND O>C AND O>C1 AND C>O1 AND (O-C)/(.001+(H-L)>0.6) ); 

///////////////**********************************Hammers *****************************************//////////////////

dhammertrend = (L < L1) AND (L1 < L2)AND (L2 < L3) AND (L3 < L4);
uhangingmantrend = (H > H1) AND(H1 > H2)AND (H2 > H3) AND (H3 > H4);

Hammer  = (((H-L)>3*(O-C)) AND ((C-L)/(.001+H-L)>0.6) AND ((O-L)/(.001+H-L)>0.6) AND dhammertrend AND NOT Doji);

/*Hammer Tails*/

BlackHammerTail =  (C-L) / (O-C);

WhiteHammerTail =  (O-L) / (C-O);

HangingMan  = (((H-L)>4*(O-C)) AND ((C-L)/(.001+H-L)>= 0.75) AND ((O-L)/(.001+H-L)>= 0.75) AND uhangingmantrend AND NOT Doji); 
/*HangingMan Tails*/

BlackHangingManTail =  (C-L) / (O-C);

WhiteHangingManTail =  (O-L) / (C-O);

   IIf(O>C AND O1>C1 AND O<O1 AND C>C1,1,
   IIf(O>C AND C1>O1 AND C>O1 AND O<C1,1,
   IIf(C>O AND C1>O1 AND C<C1 AND O>O1,1,
   IIf(C>O AND O1>C1 AND O>C1 AND C<O1,1,0))));

BullishHarami = (Harami AND (O1>C1) AND Ref(LongBlackCandle,-1) AND NOT LongWhiteCandle); 

InvertedHammer  = (((H-L)>3*(O-C)) AND ((H-C)/(.001+H-L)>0.6) AND ((H-O)/(.001+H-L)>0.6)); 

ShootingStar = (((H-L)>4*(O-C)) AND ((H-C)/(.001+H-L)>= 0.75) AND ((H-O)/(.001+H-L)>= 0.75)); 

BlackSpinningTop= ((O>C) AND ((H-L)>(3*(O-C))) AND (((H-O)/(.001+H-L))<.4) AND (((C-L)/(.001+H-L))<.4)); 

WhiteSpinningTop = ((C>O) AND ((H-L)>(3*(C-O))) AND (((H-C)/(.001+H-L))<.4) AND (((O-L)/(.001+H-L))<.4)); 

BearishAbandonedBaby = ((C1 == O1) AND (C2>O2) AND (O>C) AND (L1>H2) AND (L1>H)); 

BearishEveningDojiStar = ((C2>O2) AND ((C2-O2)/(.001+H2-L2)>.6) AND (C2<O1) AND (C1>O1) AND ((H1-L1)>(3*(C1-O1))) AND (O>C) AND (O<O1)); 


ThreeOutsideDownPattern = ((C2>O2) AND (O1>C1) AND (O1>= C2) AND (O2>= C1) AND ((O1-C1)>(C2-O2)) AND (O>C) AND (C<C1));

BullishAbandonedBaby = ((C1 == O1) AND (O2>C2) AND (C>O) AND (L2>H1) AND (L>H1)); 

BullishMorningDojiStar = ((O2>C2) AND ((O2-C2)/(.001+H2-L2)>.6) AND (C2>O1) AND (O1>C1) AND ((H1-L1)>(3*(C1-O1))) AND (C>O) AND (O>O1));

ThreeOutsideUpPattern = ((O2>C2) AND (C1>O1) AND (C1>= O2) AND (C2>= O1) AND ((C1-O1)>(O2-C2)) AND (C>O) AND (C>C1));

ThreeInsideUpPattern = ((O2>C2) AND (C1>O1) AND (C1<= O2) AND (C2<= O1) AND ((C1-O1)<(O2-C2)) AND (C>O) AND (C>C1) AND (O>O1)); 

BearishHarami = ((C1>O1) AND (O>C) AND (O<= C1) AND (O1<= C) AND ((O-C)<(C1-O1))); 

ThreeInsideDownPattern = ((C2>O2) AND (O1>C1) AND (O1<= C2) AND (O2<= C1) AND ((O1-C1)<(C2-O2)) AND (O>C) AND (C<C1) AND (O<O1));

ThreeWhiteSoldiers = (C>O*1.01) AND (C1>O1*1.01) AND (C2>O2*1.01) AND (C>C1) AND (C1>C2) AND (O<C1) AND (O>O1) AND
(O1<C2) AND (O1>O2) AND (((H-C)/(H-L))<.2) AND (((H1-C1)/(H1-L1))<.2) AND

ThreeBlackCrows = (O>C*1.01) AND (O1>C1*1.01) AND (O2>C2*1.01) AND (C<C1) AND (C1<C2) AND (O>C1) AND (O<O1) AND
(O1>C2) AND (O1<O2) AND (((C-L)/(H-L))<.2) AND (((C1-L1)/(H1-L1))<.2) AND

doji= (O == C); 
Gap_Up = GapUp(); 
Gap_Down = GapDown(); 
BigGapUp = L>1.01*H1; 
BigGapDown = H<0.99*L1; 
HugeGapUp = L>1.02*H1; 
HugeGapDown = H<0.98*L1; 
DoubleGapUp = GapUp() AND Ref(GapUp(),-1); 
DoubleGapDown = GapDown() AND Ref(GapDown(),-1);


CANDLE_LABELS_TOGGLE = ParamToggle("Labels","Off|On",1);

for( a = 0; a < BarCount; a++ )

if (BullishEngulfing[a]) (PlotText("  BuE",a,H[a]+2,colorPaleGreen));
if (PiercingLine[a]) (PlotText("PL",a,H[a]+2,colorPaleGreen));
if (Hammer[a]) (PlotText("Hr",a,H[a]+2,colorPaleGreen));
/*if (BullishHarami[a]) (PlotText("BH",a,H[a]+2,colorPaleGreen));*/

if (BearishEngulfing[a]) (PlotText("BeE",a,H[a]+2,colorRed));
if (DarkCloudCover[a]) (PlotText("Dc",a,H[a]+2,colorRed));
if (HangingMan[a]) (PlotText("Hm",a,H[a]+2,colorRed));



(PlotShapes(BullishEngulfing * shapeSmallUpTriangle,colorPaleGreen,0,H,10));
(PlotShapes(PiercingLine * shapeSmallUpTriangle,colorPaleGreen,0,H,10));
(PlotShapes(Hammer * shapeSmallUpTriangle,colorPaleGreen,0,H,10));
/*(PlotShapes(BullishHarami * shapeSmallUpTriangle,colorPaleGreen,0,H,10));*/

(PlotShapes(BearishEngulfing * shapeSmallDownTriangle,colorLightOrange,0,H,-20));
(PlotShapes(DarkCloudCover * shapeSmallDownTriangle,colorRed,0,H,-20));
(PlotShapes(HangingMan * shapeSmallDownTriangle,colorLightOrange,0,H,-20));




BULL_ENG = LastValue(Cum(BullishEngulfing)); 
printf("Bull Eng %g\n",BULL_ENG);
PlotText( "*",BULL_ENG,H[BULL_ENG]+4, colorYellow ); 

CURRENT_BULL_ENG = Ref(BullishEngulfing,0);

PRI_CANDLE_BULLISH = WriteIf(BullishEngulfing,"Bullish Engulfing","")+ WriteIf(PiercingLine, "Piercing Line","")
+ WriteIf(Hammer,"Hammer","")+ WriteIf(BullishHarami,"Bullish Harami","");
//+ WriteIf(dojiStarBullish,"Bullish Doji Star","") + WriteIf(breakAwayBullish,"Break Away","")
//+ WriteIf(hammerBullish,"Hammer","") + WriteIf(dragonflyDoji,"DrangonFly Doji","")
//+ WriteIf(HaramiCross,"Harami Cross","") + WriteIf(invertedHammer,"Inverted Hammer","")
//+ WriteIf(meetingLinesBullish,"Meeting Lines","") + WriteIf(morningStar,"Morning Star","")
//+ WriteIf(morningDojiStar,"Morning Doji Star","") + WriteIf(MatHoldBullish,"Mat Hold","")
//+ WriteIf(separatingLinesBullish,"Seperating Lines","");

PRI_CANDLE_BEARISH =  WriteIf(BearishEngulfing,"Bearish Engulfing","") + WriteIf(DarkCloudCover, "Dark Cloud","")
+ WriteIf(HangingMan,"Hanging Man","");
//+ WriteIf(haramiBearish, "Bearish Harami","") + WriteIf(abandonedBabybearish,"Aband Baby","")
//+ WriteIf(dojiStarBearish,"Bearish Doji Star","") + WriteIf(breakAwayBearish,"Break Away","")
//+ WriteIf(HangingMan,"Hanging Man","") + WriteIf(dragonflyDojiBearish,"DrangonFly Doji","")
//+ WriteIf(HaramiCrossBearish,"Harami Cross","") + WriteIf(shootingStarGap,"Shooting Star","")
//+ WriteIf(MeetingLinesBearish,"Meeting Lines","") + WriteIf(eveningStar,"Evening Star","")
//+ WriteIf(eveningDojiStar,"Evening Doji Star","") + WriteIf(separatingLinesBearish,"Seperating Lines","")
//+ WriteIf(gravestoneDoji,"GraveStone Doji","");

                   CHART TITLES


SetChartBkColor( ParamColor("Chart Color", colorBlack));
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/20 ); /* Up down name*/
GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );// center alignment
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Text Color", ColorHSB( 42, 42, 42 ) ));
GfxSetBkMode(0); // transparent
GfxTextOut( Name(), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/7);
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/30 );
GfxTextOut( IndustryID(1), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/5 );  /* Up Down Sector*/

GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/40 );
GfxTextOut( "Feedback", Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/4);
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/20 );
GfxTextOut( " BALKRISHNA CANDLE CHARTS ", Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/15 );

k = (GetPerformanceCounter()/100)%256; 
printf("GetPerformance Counter %g",k);

GfxSelectFont("Arial Narrow", 10, 700 ); 
GfxTextOut("Dedicated to the loving memory of MY FATHER on his 75th Birth  Anniversay - LATE BALKRISHNA RAMCHANDRA RAO 13.10.1935",100+k ,12); 
GfxSelectFont("Century Goliath",12,500); 
GfxTextOut("Prasad Inspirations",80 ,25); 

SetBarFillColor( IIf(O>C,colorOrange, colorDarkGreen ) ); 
Plot( C, "Price", IIf( O>C,colorRed, colorGreen ), styleCandle );

Title = EncodeColor(colorYellow)+  Title = Name() + "    " + EncodeColor(2) + Date() +EncodeColor(11) + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "{{INTERVAL}}  " +
   EncodeColor(55)+ "   Open:  "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(O,format=1.2) + 
   EncodeColor(55)+ "   High:  "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite) + WriteVal(H,format=1.2) +
   EncodeColor(55)+ "   Low:  "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(L,format=1.2) + 
   EncodeColor(55)+ "   Close:  "+ WriteIf(C> Chg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal(C,format=1.2)+  
   EncodeColor(55)+ "   Change:  "+ WriteIf(C> Chg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal(ROC(C,1),format=1.2)+ "%"+
   EncodeColor(55)+ "   Volume: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(V,1)


+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"> Candle           : "+EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+PRI_CANDLE_BULLISH + 

EncodeColor(colorRed)+PRI_CANDLE_BEARISH + EncodeColor(colorRed)+"."+

Standards of Cover (Moderate and low Reliability)
WriteIf(BullishEngulfing,"> Prior Trend    " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Bearish.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Type                " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Reversal.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Confirmation " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Required.\n"+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorLightBlue)+"> IMPORTANT FACTORS   " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "\n"+
EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"1) Disparity of white vs black body is indicative of the\n     emerging bull power.\n" +
"2) Higher probability of reversal if there is heavy\n     volume on the day of second real body.\n" +
"3) Higher probability of reversal if the second day\n     body engulfs more than one real body. \n" +
"4) Greater the open gaps down from previous close\n     greater the probability of strong reversal. \n" +
"5) If engulfing body engulfs body and shadow of the\n     previous day may be probability of strong reversal. \n \n" +

EncodeColor(colorPink)+" > CONFIRMATION :\n Third Day Confirmation needed in form of a \na)  white candle ,\nb)  large gap up or \nc)  higher close.\n\n" +
EncodeColor(colorRed)+" > CURRENT CANDLE\n"+
EncodeColor(colorAqua)+" *  The gap down opening of the current candle is\n     "+Prec(OpenGap,1)+" % from previous Day.\n" +
"*  The current white body is engulfing the\n    preceeding "+BuWholeEngulf+" bodies","")+

WriteIf(BearishEngulfing,"> Prior Trend    " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Bullish.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Type                " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Reversal.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Confirmation " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Required.\n"+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorLightBlue)+"> IMPORTANT FACTORS   " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "\n"+
EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"1) Disparity of black vs white body is indicative of the\n     emerging bear power.\n" +
"2) Higher probability of reversal if there is heavy\n     volume on the day of second real body.\n" +
"3) Higher probability of reversal if the second day\n     body engulfs more than one real body. \n" +
"4) Greater the open gaps up from previous close\n     greater the probability of strong reversal. \n" +
"5) If engulfing body engulfs body and shadow of the\n     previous day may be probability of strong reversal. \n \n" +

EncodeColor(colorPink)+" > CONFIRMATION :\n Third Day Confirmation needed in form of a \na)  black candle ,\nb)  large gap down or \nc)  lower close.\n\n" +
EncodeColor(colorRed)+" > CURRENT CANDLE\n"+
EncodeColor(colorAqua)+" *  The gap up opening of the current candle is\n     "+Prec(CloseGap,1)+" % from previous Day.\n" +
"*  The current black body is engulfing the\n    preceeding "+BeWholeEngulf+" bodies","") +

WriteIf(PiercingLine,"> Prior Trend    " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Bearish.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Type                " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Reversal.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Confirmation " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Required.\n"+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorLightBlue)+"> IMPORTANT FACTORS   " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "\n"+
EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"1) Higher the white candle closes into the\n     black candle stronger the reversal.\n" +
"2) Higher probability of reversal if there is heavy\n     volume during first and second real body days.\n" +
"3) Greater the gap down from previous day close\n     more pronounced the signal. \n \n" +

EncodeColor(colorPink)+" > CONFIRMATION :\n Third Day Confirmation needed in form of a \na)  white candle ,\nb)  large gap up or \nc)  higher close.\n\n" +
EncodeColor(colorRed)+" > CURRENT CANDLE\n"+
EncodeColor(colorAqua)+" *  The gap down opening of the current candle is\n     "+OpenGap+" % from previous Day.\n" +
"*  The current white body penetrates\n "+Prec(PiercingPercent,1)+" above the preceding day candle","") +

WriteIf(DarkCloudCover,"> Prior Trend    " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Bullish.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Type                " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Reversal.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Confirmation " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Required.\n"+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorLightBlue)+"> IMPORTANT FACTORS   " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "\n"+
EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"1) Black candle penetrates deeper into\n     previous day white candle.\n" +
"2) More than 50% penetration of black \n     candle close into prior white candle.\n" +
"3) If both candles are morabozu then\n     black candle acts as a resistance. \n \n" +

EncodeColor(colorPink)+" > CONFIRMATION :\n Third Day Confirmation needed in form of a \na)  black candle ,\nb)  large gap down or \nc)  lower close.","")+

WriteIf(Hammer AND BlackCandle,"> Prior Trend    " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Bearish.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Type                " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Reversal.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Confirmation " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Definitely Required.\n"+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorLightBlue)+"> IMPORTANT FACTORS   " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "\n"+
EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"1) The longer the lower shadow the\n     higher the potential of reversal.\n" +
"2) A gap down from the previous days close\n     sets up for a strong reversal.\n" +
"3) Bullish Dragonfly Doji is considered\n     is considered more bullish.\n\n" +
EncodeColor(colorPink)+" > CONFIRMATION :\n Next Day Confirmation needed in form of a \na)  white candle ,\nb)  large gap up or \nc)  higher close.\n \n" +

EncodeColor(colorRed)+" > CURRENT CANDLE\n" +
EncodeColor(colorAqua)+" *  The tail of the Bullish Hammer\n     is "+Prec(BlackHammerTail,1)+" times the its body.","")+

WriteIf(Hammer AND WhiteCandle,"> Prior Trend    " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Bearish.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Type                " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Reversal.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Confirmation " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Definitely Required.\n"+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorLightBlue)+"> IMPORTANT FACTORS   " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "\n"+
EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"1) The longer the lower shadow the\n     higher the potential of reversal.\n" +
"2) A gap down from the previous days close\n     sets up for a strong reversal.\n" +
"3) Bullish Dragonfly Doji is considered\n     is considered more bullish.\n\n" +
EncodeColor(colorPink)+" > CONFIRMATION :\n Next Day Confirmation needed in form of a \na)  white candle ,\nb)  large gap up or \nc)  higher close.\n \n" +

EncodeColor(colorRed)+" > CURRENT CANDLE\n" +
EncodeColor(colorAqua)+" *  The tail of the Bullish Hammer\n     is "+Prec(WhiteHammerTail,1)+" times the its body.","") +

WriteIf(HangingMan AND BlackCandle,"> Prior Trend    " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Bullish.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Type                " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Reversal.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Confirmation " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Definitely Required.\n"+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorLightBlue)+"> IMPORTANT FACTORS   " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "\n"+
EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"1) The higher the lower shadow the\n     higher the potential of reversal.\n" +
"2) A gap up from the previous days close\n     sets up for a strong reversal.\n" +
"3) Bearish Dragonfly Doji is considered\n     is considered more bullish.\n\n" +
EncodeColor(colorPink)+" > CONFIRMATION :\n Next Day Confirmation needed in form of a \na)  black candle ,\nb)  large gap down or \nc)  lower close.\n \n" +

EncodeColor(colorRed)+" > CURRENT CANDLE\n" +
EncodeColor(colorAqua)+" *  The tail of the Hanging Man\n     is "+Prec(BlackHangingManTail,1)+" times the its body.","")+

WriteIf(HangingMan AND WhiteCandle,"> Prior Trend    " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Bullish.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Type                " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Reversal.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Confirmation " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Definitely Required.\n"+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorLightBlue)+"> IMPORTANT FACTORS   " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "\n"+
EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"1) The higher the lower shadow the\n     higher the potential of reversal.\n" +
"2) A gap up from the previous days close\n     sets up for a strong reversal.\n" +
"3) Bearish Dragonfly Doji is considered\n     is considered more bullish.\n\n" +
EncodeColor(colorPink)+" > CONFIRMATION :\n Next Day Confirmation needed in form of a \na)  black candle ,\nb)  large gap down or \nc)  lower close.\n \n" +

EncodeColor(colorRed)+" > CURRENT CANDLE\n" +
EncodeColor(colorAqua)+" *  The tail of the Hanging Man\n     is "+Prec(WhiteHangingManTail,1)+" times the its body.","");

WriteIf(BullishHarami,"> Prior Trend    " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Bearish.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Type                " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Reversal.\n"+
EncodeColor(colorOrange)+"> Confirmation " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + ": Strongly Suggested.\n"+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorLightBlue)+"> IMPORTANT FACTORS   " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "\n"+
EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"1) The location and size of second candle\n     influences magnitude of reversal.\n" +
"2) The higher the white candle closes up on\n     black candle more convincing a reversal.\n" +
"3) Markets usually enter a congestion phase\n     following the Bullish Harami.\n" +
"3) The most bullish are those that form with\n    a white/black or white/white combination.\n\n"+
EncodeColor(colorPink)+" > CONFIRMATION :\n Third Day Confirmation needed in form of a \na)  White candle ,\nb)  large gap up or \nc)  higher close.\n \n" +

EncodeColor(colorRed)+" > CURRENT CANDLE\n" +
EncodeColor(colorAqua)+" *  The tail of the Hanging Man\n     is "+BlackHangingManTail+" times the its body.","");*/

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will occur. No responsibility for loss occurred to any person acting or refraining to act as a result
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Futures trading contains substantial risk and is not suitable for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or lifestyle. Only consider risk capital that should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. CTFC RULE 4.41 – HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS SUCH AS LIQUIDITY. SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN. All trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc., discussed in this website or advertisement are for illustrative purposes only and not construed as specific advisory recommendations. All ideas and materials presented herein are for information and educational purposes only. No system or trading methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or prevent losses. The testimonials and examples used herein are exceptional results which do not apply to average people and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Trades placed on the reliance of Trend Methods systems are taken at your own risk for your own account. This is not an offer to buy or sell futures interests.